In the eyes of many t(w)eens’ parents, drugs and alcohol seem to be everywhere. And if parents are noticing the exposure, it’s probably a safe bet that the t(w)eens are noticing it, too. It doesn’t even have to be direct exposure to drugs and alcohol. Take Twilight for example, which is a movie geared to t(w)eens. Edward tells Bella that she “is (his) brand of heroin.” Knowing that t(w)eens are in an ever-present state to act more grown up, imagine what they are being exposed to while watching more mature movies.
How bad is it?
In a word: bad. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Colombia University calls adolescent substance use “America’s #1 Health Problem.” They estimate that over 90% of people addicted to substances started using before age 18. Further, they estimate that 28% of the population with substance use disorders started using before age 15 and 75% of high school students had used addictive substances at least once before graduation.